Booking courts

Court rental

We have 3 indoor courts available, 14 Smash courts (all-weather) and 4 Pro Vision courts (similar to Smash court).

Do you wish to rent a court at Thor de Bataaf as a member? Click here to make a reservation for an in- or outdoor court.

It is also possible to rent a court when you are not a member of tennis club Thor de Bataaf. You can rent an outdoor court the whole year round for Euro 20,- per hour. An indoor court can also be rented, with different rates depending on the season/time.

Open hours indoor courts
·        Monday till Friday 09h00 – 23h00
·        Saturday and Sunday 09h00 – 19h00

Rates indoor courts Summer Season (March – September)
You can rent an indoor- or outdoor court for Euro 20,- per hour during Summer Season.

Rates indoor courts Winter Season (October – February)
· Monday till Friday 09h00 -17h00 =  Euro 22,50 per hour
· Monday till Friday, after 17h00 =  Euro 25,- per hour
· Saturday and Sunday = Euro 27,50 per hour

For NON-members: Click here to rent a court.

It is also an option to rent a court for a fixed time-slot for an entire Winter or Summer Season. For more information please contact Court Rental.

Introducing non-members

As a member, you can introduce a non-member via our online reservation system:

    1. Go to the website:
    2. The login window appears
    3. Enter your username and password
    4. The web page opens by default with the option “Reserveringen”
    5. Select a play date and start time
    6. In the reservation window: instead of entering the name of your fellow player(s) in the ’Speler 2’, ‘Speler 3’, etc. box you fill in: “Intro senior” or “Intro junior”. The system will recognize this and then you can select it in the right box. You can introduce a maximum of 2 people per category (junior or senior) per court at the same time. With a total of two people on a court, you can reserve a court for a maximum of 45 minutes; with a total of four players, you can reserve this for a maximum of 60 minutes
    7. Payment will be processed by IDEAL -> Euro 8,- (senior) or Euro 5,- (junior) per guest